среда, 5 мая 2021 г.

 Did You Know: Healthy Food Facts

  • Apples are more effective than coffee at waking you up in the morning.
  • Bananas aren’t the only fruits with potassium. Avocados have twice the amount of potassium as bananas and are rich in monounsaturated fat that is burned easily as energy. Green-tipped bananas are better for you than over-ripened bananas. Bananas contain a lot of sugar, if eaten with protein, the insulin levels are normalized.
  • Broccoli contains twice the amount of Vitamin C than and orange. It contains as much calcium as whole milk, and is more readily absorbed by our bodies.
  • Cilantro is good for digestion and also soothes many common ailments such as headache, coughs and nausea.
  • Onions are great antioxidants, containing anti-allergy, antiviral, and anti-histamine properties. The sulfur compounds found in onions help in the detoxifying the body and aid in cellular repair. Maximum health benefits are seen in raw or lightly-steamed onions.
  • Parsley is also great for use as a digestive aid. It is a natural breath freshener, anti-carcinogen, contains three times the amount of vitamin C as oranges, and twice the amount of iron as in spinach.

вторник, 4 мая 2021 г.

  Food plays an important role in our daily life. Without food, we cannot survive. Food gives us all the required nutrients that our body needs in order to perform activities in our daily life. People usually find it difficult when choosing the right and effective diet for themselves. Its easy to get overwhelmed with all the dieting advice you get. Do you have to try out every type of diets without obtaining any result? Some people are unaware about how to have a proper diet and with those misleading advice, they may have to stop consuming the food they love, cutting down some portions and calories. Some people do survive this, nevertheless majority of people find it restrictive. In order to have a proper diet, the below information will give an idea about how nutrients plays a significant role in a proper diet. What helps the people to get a proper diet are the three types of diets involved, which are divided into three categories; balanced diet, diabetic diet and fitness diet.

  Did You Know: Healthy Food Facts Apples are more effective than coffee at waking you up in the morning. Bananas aren’t the only fruits wit...